Pilgrim Paths

The Pavese Apennines, the heart of "slow tourism", inspired us guided tours linked to the historic sacred and commercial routes of our area.
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Thanks to our experience as Qualified Tourist Guides we offer a series of guided tours of the villages along the very important pilgrimage routes that cross our area: the Via Francigena, the Via degli Abati, the Via di San Colombano, the Via del Sale. The visits are aimed at both groups and individuals.

For pilgrims along the Via Francigena: special rates and guided tours departing according to your route needs.

Visits of villages and places along the paths

The Via Francigena: Pavia city

From the place that you will indicate to us in town, we will accompany along the Pavese Via Francigena, [...]

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Via di San Colombano: the village of Romagnese

Attraverso la visita guidata del borgo di Romagnese (nominato “Borgo Gioiello d’Italia” nel 2013) e dei suoi angoli più suggestivi […]

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The Via del Sale: the village of Varzi

E’ il borgo più noto dello splendido territorio appenninico del nostro Alto Oltrepo Pavese e visitandolo capiremo come sia stato […]

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Partner dell'Associazione Europea delle Vie Francigene

via francigena